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Fire Prevention Week

fpwFire Prevention Week was established to commemorate the Great Chicago Fire of 1871 that killed more than 250 people and left 100,000 people homeless. The fire began on October 8th, but did the majority of its damage the following day. We bring attention to fire prevention this time of year with the goal of avoiding such catastrophes in the future.

The National Fire Protection Association created a video that offers lessons we can take away from the Chicago Fire, and an infographic that shows proper smoke-alarm-safety procedure, with a concentration on the age of your family’s smoke alarm, which should be replaced every 10 years.

Being in the construction industry, Strong Man realizes the threat fire poses to building projects and construction in general. This is especially true in North America where more homes are built from wood rather than stone. Strong Man’s commitment to fire safety is unrivaled in the industry and we use independent, third party testing companies to ensure that our products meet the highest and most stringent industry standards. Safety is more than just a word to us; it is a commitment, and we aim keep the industry informed.

For more information about Fire Prevention Week, visit http://www.nfpa.org/fpw.